Monday, December 01, 2008

Answers to Thaksgiving Trivia

The first Thanksgiving was in Dec, 1621, held in Plymoth, Mass.
Linclon proclamed the national holiday in 1863.
The four most popular menu items are turkey (ofcourse) cranberries, dressing adn sweetpotatoes, except for yankees who prefer whites )Did you get all four?)
On average
256 million turkeys
640 million pounds of cranberries
1.6 billion pounds of sweet potatoes and
998 thousand pumkins are eaten (seems like I ate most of it!)

Turkey Creek, TX
Turkey, Tenn
Turkey, NC
and bonus, the country of Turkey.

Approx 107 million families celebrate Thanksgiving annually. Families, Friends and Food. So much to be thankful for!!

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