Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This week boy Scout Troop 221 in Beaumont has been in the Christmas Spirit and Celebrating by Giving back to the community. December 14, the boys loaded up over 200 donated books that they had collected with the Beaumont Association of Retired Teacher.Our first stop was to unload boxes of books for Family Services shelter in Beaumont. We had discussed the residents' need for confidentiality, so did not meet any of the children living in the shelter. However one of the boys said that two kids from his school got off his school bus here.
What a great opportunity for a discussion on being thankful.

The Scouts presented the books to the shelter manager who will give them to children for Christmas.

Leaving Family Services, the Scouts went to Boys' Haven with more books, hamburgers and drinks for an impromto party.
Initial shyness was soon forgotten as the two groups of boys ate and played silly games.

These older boys were delighted to receive age appropriate young adult books. One young man carried an arm load to his room, promising to share as soon as he'd finished reading each one.

Friday, December 18, the Scouts put on plastic aprons, rubber gloves and big smiles to help at the 19th Annual Feast of Sharing Holiday Dinner, held at Ford Park.

Our volunteer assignment was to bus tables and help with clean up. 4,000 meals had been served from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. The hall was decorated with balloons and Christmas greenery. Inflatable bouncy things and games entertained the children. Many of the dinner guests had ridden city buses from downtown.

The boys made the messy work of bagging trash into fun as they tried to pull packed plastic bags from the trash cans.

Even the heavy labor of taking down tables and stacking chairs gave the Scouts an opportunity for fun.

Thanks to HEB's spirit of sharing the season with the community, our boys were able to share in giving.
Christmas is the Season and Jesus is the Reason, for God gave His Son to save us from sin.
Let us all remeber to give back.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A time of sharing

The Beaumont Association of Retired Teachers and Boy Scout Troup 221 collected over 200 children's books to be donated to needy children during the Christmas season.

These are just a few of the books collected by the teachers.

In addition to a large box of books, the Women's Missionary Union of West End Baptist Church, Beaumont, collected much needed cleaning supplies for Shepherd's Inn.

Christian Life Crisis Intervention churches of the Golden Triangle and other churches provide services and temporary housing for families who are visiting inmates in the prison system. All the services are free, depending on donations from churches, individuals, and guests. Many families travel from out of state to visit their loved ones.

Tabitha, a homeschooler, joined the women to help carry books and supplies to the center.
Some of the women who helped take supplies to Shepherd's Inn are helping the residential manager sort books and arrange children's toys.

During this Christmas Season let us remember that
God sent us a Savior.

If our greatest need had been information,
God would have sent us an educator.
If our greatest need had been tehnology,
God would have sent us a scientist.
If our greatest need had been money,
God would have sent us an economist.
If our greatest need had been pleasure,
God would have sent us an entertainer.
Bur our greatest need was forgiveness,

(author unknown)

Friday, December 04, 2009

Volunteer at the prison

This is as close as I ever want to get to a prison. The sky was clear and cold, Thurdsay, Ded. 3. I was on the shadowed side of the razor wire. Unfortunately the wire doesn't sparkle in the photo as it did in the sun. that morning. Fortunately, I don't have to look at it 24/7.

About 50 volunteers worked Wednesday night at the grills and Thursday to provide free meals for the employees and staff of the state prison units between Beaumont and Port Author.

This ministry of love was in conjunction with Bill Glass, an NFL football player-turned-evengelist, and his Champions for Life Ministry.

Rodney Barnett, an evangelist with Urban Harvest Ministries, is one of the event coordinatior. He and his volunteers decided to repay the community by providing the free meals, over 5,600 boxed lunches, to the prison guards and employees. While Bill Glass and his team spoke to groups of prisoners.

These three grills and several others were kept smoking all night and day by volunteers, preparing the endless trays of giant hotdogs.

We organized styrofoam camshells and filled them with hot dogs, buns, potato salad and ranch beans.

Two meals were then stacked and bagged with eating utinsels and condiments. The first shift of employees, who got off work at 5 a.m., received their meals as they drove toward the gates.
Others received their meals as they left at the end of their shifts through out the day.
Where do you put 5,600 "to-go" boxes? On top of one another, three bags high. The weather was very cool, even out of the wind in the tent. but soon busy volunteers began to shed jackets as they warmed up to the job.

It isn't often that I photograph a celeb.
The man with the camera is Ken Fountain a reported with the Beaumont Enterprise.
Ken wrote a nice article that was featured in the paper on Friday.
Thank you Ken and Enterprise.

This volunteer oportunity was a new experience for me. Volunteering makes a difference.